How to cancel Netflix Subscription?
To cancel your Netflix subscription, follow these steps: Open a Web Browser: Go to Netflix.com. Sign In: Enter your credentials to log in to your account.
Step 1: Navigate to Account Settings
1. Profile Selection: If prompted, select your profile. 2. Go to Account Settings: Click on your profile icon in the top-right corner. 3. Click "Account": This will open the account settings page.
Step 2: Cancel Your Membership
1. Find the "Membership & Billing" Section: Scroll down to this section. 2. Click on "Cancel Membership": This option will be under the "Membership & Billing" section. 3. Confirm Cancellation: Follow the prompts to confirm that you want to cancel your membership.
Step 3: Complete the Cancellation
1. Review Details: Netflix will provide details about when your subscription will end. 2. Confirm Again (if required): Click the final confirmation to cancel your subscription.
Step 4: Optional: Provide Feedback and then Verify Cancellation
1. Check Email: Netflix will send a confirmation email about your cancellation. 2. Log In Again: You can log in to your Netflix account to confirm that the cancellation was successful. Your account status should show when the service will end.
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